Sunday, March 11, 2018

social media effects on our students

Who of us did not use the social media as facebook, instagram, snapchat and others. The main problem I faced in my teaching is that most of the students nowadays focus most of their times on such media without caring for their lessons. Today I was added to a group on facebook from my students in grade 7 and I was surprised of what I read. Who is responsible for the deterioration of morality of our students. We as teachers, families or society should play main role to solve it. We should spread awareness of the risk of using the internet in wrong way for the students and also to show the parents the negative side of these using and to ask them to control the using of such media. Were are the parents when their children are till midnight on their computers or phones. Are they watching what is Good and beneficial are they sure that they never enter to watch videos that are harmful for their moral and values? All of us listen about the game application that let some children try to suicide. I wish to have more awareness sessions for the parents before the children to solve such a problem.


  1. It is really a bad problem that all people nowadays are facing all over the world. I believe there is a great responsibility that lies over the teachers to help their students overcome, especially in small ages where they are full of the desire and energy to discover the world around them.

  2. Today the world is a global village,where students love to spend time socializing instead of studying,learning good habits and gaining knowledge.Here is the role of the teachers and parents to work together forward to help them overcome this addiction.

  3. Nowadays the internet is being used in a wrong way . The students instead of using it as a helper for them they are wasting their time on it. We should as teachers and parents be more aware about our students and children and how they are using the internet.
