education technology

Google drive

Google drive it is an application to save everything and to share everything with who you need. It is the memory card, email, messenger all what you need in one. 
I use this application from 2 years ago, it was so beneficial for me as a teacher, makes my work easier and my communication with the coordinator is faster. 

Google Forms 

Google forms is a group of templates that simplify the preparing of different sheets as assessments, survey and others, of several themes could be used. the most preferable one is the analysis at the end of the quiz or the survey. It save time in analyzing and preparing the sheets, and one of the most one i like it that we can add the result to let the students see their marks directly after the end of the quiz. It is one of the google application that simplify the teacher work in my point of view.  

Google Blogger

  Social media is one of the most attractive aspect nowadays. All are affected by it. Blog is one of the most safe one and that could be more than archives for our memory. It takes from me time to understand it at the beginning but I think that i will use it a lot latter one.


 Attending a webinar it was so strange to do it, i was so afraid from attending it, but after one it was so interesting, to communicate with other from all the world. The hosts who lecture are professional educational ones that it is hard to see them in our life, it reduce the distances and time, and allow us to benefit from their information for free or by low fees.


Using this application is very new for me. It is really helpful for the teacher to use it in brainstorming to collect the ideas that the learner know before or at the end to be ask students to write the comments. Also I like the idea that they can rate, like and dislike what other write without knowing whom.


Webquest is a wonderful application on google, while i was preparing mine i interest it so much and many ideas help me to deliver the lesson to students while they are at home. It is helpful since I can give some links to search on. and inside it while I was preparing my webquest I used other application as the padlet and the google forms.


As I was kid in my school projects we write on a card, but in this course i study the main parts of the poster that i never used before. It is more effective and clearness. 

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