Sunday, March 11, 2018

Gaps in our curriculum

As a teacher for grade 7 from 10 years ago, one of the main troubles I faced is the gap in the curriculum between grade 6 and grade 7. I did know if am the only one who faced this problem. In grade 6 the students know science as subject that they should study it to pass while in grade 7 it depend on discovering and analyzing. The students are shocked and take a time to realize that should not depend only on memorizing. the separation of science into three main subject chemistry, physics and biology, cause them to reduce the focusing. Is the problem in the previous stages or in my teaching or in the curriculum?
I use with them different strategies to let them analyze and relate each subject for their daily life. But it take from me time to let them like these subjects and use it not method to get marks only to success but also it is used to understand everything around them and related for science.
Help me more to let them know that science is not only an indoctrination but it is the building of life.


  1. Unfortunately Yes there are many problems and conflicts with the Lebanese curriculum!!! But as teachers, we need to overcome these problems and make our best and much more than other teachers in other countries to help our students!!! God bless you for your hard work:)

  2. you are making a great job when you transfer the abstract things into the hands-on things. actually, we are facing a big problem in the Lebanese curriculum, but our job as teachers is to get rid of unbenefited things and to transfer any topic into real one that makes the students touch it and in this way they can understand more. Good luck in your job you deserve the best.

  3. Unfortunately, we have an old curriculum that needs a lot of modification. But, teachers should try to fix the problems as much as possible. Maybe, since you teach sixth graders, you should help them do at least low levels of analyzing and interpreting even if they are not found in the curriculum, so that they don't find them as shocks in grade 7. Good luck!
