Friday, March 16, 2018

Chewing gum during tasks performance

Most of the time my students asked me if they chew gum during the tasks. Before I refuse but one day my students prepare a research about the effect of chewing gum. I was surprised by the results shown. From that time I accept chewing during my period if it does not disturb others.
this link shows a poster talking about the research.


  1. Such an interesting topic! You made me curious to read about it more. I agree with you, because for some students chewing a gum is a tool that makes them focus during the lesson or even while they are doing a test, and as you mentioned I accept my students to chew a gum but making sure that they are chewing in a polite way that dosen't disturb anyone around.

  2. This shows the importance of being always up-dated with new research findings to be able to do a better job as teachers. As a result, we might change our opinion in many topics and adjust our beliefs to meet what best suits our students. I think I have to read more about this topic to see if I'll be convinced to allow chewing gums in my class too!

  3. It is interesting how it affects concentration and help students to recall information according to the taste and your student is clever enough to convince you this way. However, students should be aware enough to the way they are chewing and be able to throw it when ever you as a teacher asked them to.

  4. I am very impressed with what you have posted!! Honestly I was 100% sure that it was bad for them to do so whenever they are in class I have once read myself an argument about that and it said that your mind cannot fully concentrate on two things at the same time that's why it is better not to chew during and exam.

  5. OMG that's interesting and i actually just red this about a month ago and i was surprised by the reasons, and actually i was a student who cant sit in a class without a gum,but actually sometimes it bothers the teachers, but when i red the article i don't mind to let my students chew a gum.

  6. WOW! It is kind of surprising for me because I am one of the teachers who can't stand chewing gums during class! Just let my students find out about this! hahahahah

  7. Really I am surprised because one day I chewed a gum during an exam all my concentration was lost so i threw it directly. Maybe its more useful in class than an exam.

  8. I've read also that dark chocolate helps students retain information. One far more healthy choice to be emphasized by teachers, Yumm Yumm :))
