Wednesday, March 21, 2018

teachers' types

In 1976, the canters set for the basic premises and practices of the assertive discipline, which brought relief to teachers everywhere who were beleaguered by classroom misbehavior. The Need for Assertive Discipline 
Canter and canter explains that parents and community members see the need for exercise of appropriate and effective discipline in schools as perhaps the major topic in need of argent attention by school administration.
Types of Teachers and their Effects on Students 
Canter breaks teacher behavior into three general response styles:
a.       Hostile Teacher:  view students as adversaries. Teacher expresses their wants and feelings in ways that put down others or abuse their rights. They create negative environment and affect the way the students feel about themselves. Students learn to hate and fear hostile teachers and schools. The teacher becomes the enemy.
b.      Non-Assertive Teacher (known as wishy -wishy): it is passive approach to students. Teacher does not clearly express their wants and feelings. They feel frustrated and inadequate due to their inability to get their need met in the classroom or control kids. Teacher makes statement as, “for heaven’s sake, please try to behave like ladies”. They come across as wishy-wishy, and after time students stop taking them seriously. Students feel frustrated, manipulated, and angry.
c.       Assertive teacher:  teacher clearly and firmly expresses their needs to their students and work hard to build trust with the class. She/he helps students understood which behavior promotes success and which leads to failure. Students learn to trust and respect an assertive teacher because they know the teacher is fair.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Chewing gum during tasks performance

Most of the time my students asked me if they chew gum during the tasks. Before I refuse but one day my students prepare a research about the effect of chewing gum. I was surprised by the results shown. From that time I accept chewing during my period if it does not disturb others.
this link shows a poster talking about the research.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Gaps in our curriculum

As a teacher for grade 7 from 10 years ago, one of the main troubles I faced is the gap in the curriculum between grade 6 and grade 7. I did know if am the only one who faced this problem. In grade 6 the students know science as subject that they should study it to pass while in grade 7 it depend on discovering and analyzing. The students are shocked and take a time to realize that should not depend only on memorizing. the separation of science into three main subject chemistry, physics and biology, cause them to reduce the focusing. Is the problem in the previous stages or in my teaching or in the curriculum?
I use with them different strategies to let them analyze and relate each subject for their daily life. But it take from me time to let them like these subjects and use it not method to get marks only to success but also it is used to understand everything around them and related for science.
Help me more to let them know that science is not only an indoctrination but it is the building of life.

social media effects on our students

Who of us did not use the social media as facebook, instagram, snapchat and others. The main problem I faced in my teaching is that most of the students nowadays focus most of their times on such media without caring for their lessons. Today I was added to a group on facebook from my students in grade 7 and I was surprised of what I read. Who is responsible for the deterioration of morality of our students. We as teachers, families or society should play main role to solve it. We should spread awareness of the risk of using the internet in wrong way for the students and also to show the parents the negative side of these using and to ask them to control the using of such media. Were are the parents when their children are till midnight on their computers or phones. Are they watching what is Good and beneficial are they sure that they never enter to watch videos that are harmful for their moral and values? All of us listen about the game application that let some children try to suicide. I wish to have more awareness sessions for the parents before the children to solve such a problem.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Happy Teachers' Day

Is for the teacher a day to celebrate in it. The teacher is celebrating everyday every moment while he is teaching and preparing the future of the community. he celebrate when he sees his or her students one day moving toward him to tell him that he is was a doctor, an engineer or any good member in his society. Greeting the teacher is not in one day, is in the success of his students in his life.
I wish the students respect their teacher who enter to teach them forgetting what he has of problems, teaching them with passion, and treat them as their children. Also, to respect their wrinkles that are full of experience.
Happy teachers' life not a day for all the teacher and who carry the message of our children life.
 This is one of my happiest moment of my TEACHER'LIFE

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Inclusion of children with disabilities

At last Wednesday I attend a webinar at ed Web. Net. It was with Kathryn Wahl who is responsible for promoting supporting and advocating for all children to have full access to inclusive environments. The title was 12 Keys to High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion.
The outcomes were to understand services provided by the inclusion collaborative, to understand what is high quality early childhood inclusion and the 12 inclusive practices associated with high quality.
She first started by the three main points in the pyramid which are coaching, teaching assistance and professional development.
The person with disabilities should be in the top to have a value as other, this point is the first step to change the negative attitudes about the disabilities. To understand more what is inclusion she introduces a document in the slide that was really so helpful and let us differentiate between inclusion, exclusion, segregation and integration. At the end we know that inclusion is to let the persons with disabilities live side by side as other, study the same ideas, explain in the same manner, treated the same as other. To let them feel that they are the same and one of the society where they live and they have a role in this society. This could be done in an environment by which the child is supported, by using different ways of accessing materials and by placing them in an ordinary classroom.
Inclusion is beneficial for the children with disabilities and without disabilities by which they can treat with each other normally without any fear and to build a friendship, a child with disabilities will observe other normal child and know how to deal with them, learn how to solve problems and have different social skills and to be more positive, the child without disabilities will accept them and be more comfortable by treating with them, have greater self-esteem. Also, it is beneficial for parent of both child and mainly to the teacher who treats with them and finally they will be beneficial to their community.
Rating ICP is used here, it indicates the extent to which adults adapt the classroom’s environment, activates and instructional support in ways that encourage access and active participation in the group, through adjustments that might differ from child to child.
This rating could be used in different ways, as a research instruments to measure the attribution between the programs used and the students progress, as a classroom evaluation tool to measure the quality of inclusion practice in the classroom, then as a quality improvement tool to include models of professional development that can support more those children to be more inclusive.
The 12 areas of ICP measures are adaptations of space and materials, adult environment in peer interactions, adults’ guidance of children’s activities and play, conflict resolution, membership, relationships between adults and children, support for communication, adaptation of group activities, transitions between activities, feedback, family- professional partnership and monitoring children learning.

Monday, March 5, 2018


From 2 years ago, we start with my students the robotics program, it was new experience, my students like it a lot and interest with the small robots they prepare. Every session a new robot, a new ideas till they start to create a robot and to merge different programs and sensors. Am proud to have small engineers as them.